navigating emotions during quarantine

As much as I hate talking about COVID at this point, it's taken a serious toll on a lot (if not all) of my emotions, and I think that's something worth talking about. Actually, there's no doubt all of us are feeling extreme emotional effects because of what's going on in the world. I'd be concerned if anyone was feeling perfectly okay, to be honest. The past month or so, I've been feeling more anxious, sad, angry, and irritable than usual - which feels insane because I'm typically someone who already feels so much. The heightened emotions have been hard to handle and cope with, and I still don't have all the answers or the best advice in the world. But there are a few things worth noting when it comes to feeling your feelings.

*Disclaimer: I'm not a therapist or a psychiatrist - no one should take anything I'm saying as if it's professional advice. Consider this an essay from someone who is also goin' through it.*

First of all, feel your feelings. I think this is the biggest thing I've learned and accepted over the last month or so. Allow yourself to be sad. It's okay to be angry. Being anxious right now is totally okay. And being more irritable is also not a bad thing at this time. You shouldn't punish yourself for having emotions - you're only human, and we're all going through something pretty traumatic and weird right now. Acknowledge your emotions. You're lucky to feel things.

I have been trying really hard not to suppress how I'm feeling. I've been feeling OVERWHELMINGLY sad lately (for a variety of reasons that COVID seems to only amplify). At first, I tried to pretend like I wasn't sad or that I was perfectly fine. But I came to realize that I am most definitely not fine, and that's when I started to feel a little better. By letting myself be sad and by letting myself cry, I feel a little less sad. The emotion is still there for sure, but since I've allowed myself to feel however I feel, I'm certainly on the way to a happier me since I'm not putting so much effort into forgetting I even feel anything. Journaling is something that's proven to be really helpful to me when it comes to acknowledging my emotions and letting them flow. I like to feel like my mind isn't even really present when I'm writing and my subconscious is pouring out all these emotions that I've suppressed on accident, and it's been so, so helpful when it comes to dealing with hard-to-feel-feelings. And by writing my feelings down, I've noticed that it's a good start to not only acknowledging my feelings but starting to let them go as well.

Leaning on people I'm close to has been so important - family and friends. Even though I've had to rely on them via social distancing, it's comforting to know that people are there for me and WANT to be there for me. Texting my friends every day (with the occasional Zoom) has done wonders for helping me feel less alone - especially since one of the things I'm having such a hard time coping with is a breakup. It's important for me to continue to be social during this time than to shut down completely, which is what I really want to do. Friends and family can either help talk through what you're feeling, be there to listen, offer advice, or even just keep you distracted - any way that helps you cope is a win in my book.

Keeping myself distracted has been another way to cope with my negative emotions. Whether I'm feeling sad, angry, or whatever - distractions can be a godsend. Reading a book, playing Animal Crossing, watching YouTube... Whatever I like to do, I try to do it. Finding joy in even the smallest things has not only formed a distraction but reduced my negative emotions as well.

It's been important for me personally to rely on my spirituality during this time. I know spirituality is something that's kind of controversial and/or misunderstood with a lot of people - but I don't judge anyone for their religious or spiritual practices, so if you're going to judge mine, just skip to the next paragraph... I have been finding a lot of peace lately in meditating and reading tarot. As many people pray to talk to God, these are the ways I talk to the universe and the spirits that are guiding me through life. I feel they offer me a lot of clarity, advice, and comfort. This has helped me feel more positive and hopeful, but it's also helped me to navigate and better understand my emotions - especially during this hard time.

All in all, it's important to keep reminding myself that this is a difficult and emotionally charged time for everyone. It's okay to be sad and feel negative emotions. It's also okay to not be productive all the time because sometimes that can be even more taxing and draining on emotions. I'm just a human, emotions are inevitable, I just have to let myself feel them.


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